Cookies policy


Use of Cookies on the websites of REAL BETIS BALOMPIÉ, SAD https://www.* ; ; https://peñ


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that REAL BETIS BALOMPIÉ, SAD uses its own and third-party cookies on its website https://www.*. ; ; https://peñ

To improve the user experience and offer content adapted to your interests, through the personalization of advertising spaces. By simply browsing (with the browser enabled to accept cookies) the user accepts the installation of cookies, unless he or she objects to it, as reported in our Cookies Policy.

Cookies policy

Our Cookies Policy is subject to periodic updates. Its purpose is to help you understand our use of cookies, the purpose of the cookies used, as well as the options the user has to manage them.
Users can access this information at any time through the link enabled on the website. Likewise, you can modify your preferences regarding the acceptance of cookies through the button located at the bottom of the website called “PRIVACY”.

3.What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the computer, tablet or phone that allows, among other things, to collect statistical information, store and retrieve information about the user's browsing preferences in order to identify them.
In addition, cookies make navigation more user-friendly, and for example, they allow you to remember the user's language, the browser you use, your preferences, and retain items in the shopping cart...

4. REAL BETIS BALOMPIÉ, SAD on their websites

https: https://www.* ; ; https://peñ
It uses different types of cookies to make browsing more user-friendly, to ensure that web pages can function correctly, and to keep news updated in your browser and not depend on its page refresh settings or any proxies by those that the information goes through from the moment it leaves our servers until it reaches your browser.


The use of Cookies allows us to optimize your navigation, adapting the information, advertising and services offered to your interests, to provide you with a better experience whenever you visit us. The website of REAL BETIS BALOMPIÉ, SAD https://www.* ; ; https://peñ

It uses Cookies to function, adapt and facilitate the User's navigation as much as possible.
At any time you can access your browser settings to modify and/or block the installation of Cookies sent by our website, without preventing access to the content. However, this may influence the proper functioning of the Services.

6. Type, purpose and operation of Cookies:

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent Cookies. The first ones expire when the User closes the browser. The latter expire depending on when the purpose for which they serve is fulfilled (for example, so that the User maintains their browsing preferences) or when they are manually deleted.
Additionally, depending on their objective, Cookies can be classified as follows:
  • PERFORMANCE COOKIES: This type of Cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found on the Services, so you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit. As an example, this typology includes: Volume adjustments of video or sound players, Video transmission speeds that are compatible with your browser, objects saved in the “shopping cart” in the E Services -commerce such as stores.
  • GEO-LOCATION COOKIES: These Cookies are used to find out which country you are in when you request a Service. This Cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content to your location.
  • ANALYTICAL COOKIES: Every time a User visits a Service, a tool from an external provider (Omniture, Netscope, Comscore and similar that may be added to this list if they vary in relation to the current ones) generates an analytical Cookie in the User's computer. This Cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will be used in future visits to the Services to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives pursued are: Allow the anonymous identification of browsing Users through the “Cookie” (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time, anonymously identify the most visited contents and therefore most attractive to Users, know if the User who is accessing is new or a repeat visit: Important: “Cookies” will never be associated with any personal data that could identify you.
  • ADVERTISING COOKIES: This type of “Cookies” allow expanding the information of the advertisements shown to each anonymous User during their navigation on the portal. Among others, the duration or frequency of viewing advertising positions, the interaction with them, or the User's browsing patterns and/or behaviors are stored as they help to form a profile of advertising interest. In this way, they allow advertising related to the interests of the User to be offered.
  • THIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING COOKIES: In addition to the advertising managed by in its Services, this portal offers its advertisers the option of serving advertisements through third parties (“Ad-Servers”). In this way, these third parties can store Cookies sent from the Services of our portal from the Users' browsers, as well as access the data stored therein.

The companies that generate these Cookies have their own privacy policies. Currently, the website uses, among others, the Doubleclick platform (Google) to manage these services. For more information, go to and .

7. List and technical description of Cookies used by the website:

This website uses its own cookies for internal use to operate the website. In some cases, third-party tools are used for the same purpose.
Cookies for the operation of the website:

Information about the type of non-excepted cookies used by the website and their purpose.
  • Google Analytics, provider Google Inc.
    The purpose is to know the (anonymous) audience of the different pages on the website as well as the influx of people and traffic coming from the different keywords that we use.
  • DoubleClick, provider Google Inc.
    The purpose is to display advertising and collect (anonymous) information based on user preferences.

8. Cookies Configuration.

If you want to configure cookie management in your browser. It is usually possible to stop accepting Cookies from the browser, or stop accepting Cookies from a particular Service.
All modern browsers allow you to change Cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menu of your browser. You can also configure your browser or email manager, as well as install free plugins to prevent Web Bugs from downloading when opening an email.
Below we offer guidance to the User on the steps to access the cookie configuration menu and, where applicable, private browsing in each of the main browsers:
  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings.
    For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.
  • Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings.
    For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help.
  • Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings.
    For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.
  • Safari: Preferences -> Security.
    For more information, you can consult Apple Support or Browser Help.

9. Update to our cookie policy.

REAL BETIS BALOMPIÉ, SAD may modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore Users are advised to visit it. periodically.
If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookies Policy, you can contact us at . Complete information about the applicable regulations regarding cookies on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
In relation to the rest of the information that does not specifically refer to cookies, you can refer to our Privacy Policy or Legal Notice.